Friday, November 2, 2012

The Latest

Just a couple, but important things to note. Good news, or bad news first? I'll do the bad news.

Really, it's not bad, but sad. I heard back from one of the agents. He just found out he has brain cancer, so he's not taking any new clients. He assured me that he was passing not due to my story concept or writing, but because he simply couldn't handle taking on any new projects right now. Needless to say, I was saddened by the news of his health situation. Forget about my writing - that's just a minor detail. If any of you would like to add him to your prayer list, his name is Lee Hough (pronounced "Huff"). The good news he gave me is that it is treatable. That treatment will obviously take quite a toll on his body. Another thing - he had a very bad form of brain cancer in 2011. He had the tumor removed and chemo (or radiation), and 6 months later he was in remission! I'm sure his body will respond well to the treatment.

The good news - I submitted the proposal for my second novel to the other agent. I actually heard from her last week. She said she is in the process of reviewing the proposal for my first novel.

We'll see what happens. If she passes, I'm totally fine with it. I know everything will happen at the right time. If she is interested, she'll ask to see my full manuscript next.

Now I'm going to get back to my freelance editorial work, which I've neglected this week in order to complete my proposal. I still need to apply everything I learned at the conference to my manuscripts, so I'll be doing that as well, but on the side.

As soon as I get more news, I'll post it!

1 comment:

  1. I recall the impact he had on you. It is times like those that we must remember the perfection of God's timing. Difficult to understand but we know it is the truth.
